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7 Key Pieces of Furniture Your Newly-Constructed Office Will Need

Dec 09, 2022

Are you in the process of launching a new business? Looking for ways to furnish your office? Or maybe you’re an already existing company looking to modify your office space. Whatever the case, you’re in luck. With years of experience working as office furniture assemblers, we've curated a list of essential office furniture pieces that are not only highly functional but also boost productivity. So, read on to learn about key pieces of furniture your office will need.

(1) Desk and Chairs

These days, an open floor plan with few furnishings is all the rage; however, it will never be able to take away the fundamentals: desks and chairs. When searching for a chair where you'll spend most of your time in; you need to consider two factors: comfort and ergonomics. Comfort is obvious, while ergonomics is a bit more complicated but essential. Simply put, your chair is designed to support function and comfort for human use. Thus, choose your chair and desk wisely.

(2) Communal Work Desk

No matter the type of office you've built, there is an absolute need for at least one conference room. Believe it or not, you'll be making frequent use of this area, whether it is to hold staff meetings, brainstorming sessions with your fellow employees, or conversations with customers and clients. Thus, instead of acquiring an unlimited number of individual desks, consider purchasing a few communal work desks to boost productivity, promote connection, and save money in the long run.

(3) Lounge Furniture

While frequent breaks don't always contribute to increased productivity, they make employees happy. And when an employee is happy, they have better work satisfaction (which might translate to a low turnover rate). With this in mind, you should offer your employees a space where they can relax. To begin, create leisure rooms with sofas, bookshelves, coffee tables, and possibly even a TV with video games. This safe area might not only help rejuvenate stressed employees but develop better interoffice ties.

(4) Storage Cabinets

A growing number of workspaces are abandoning their seemingly never-ending supply of filing cabinets in favor of paperless alternatives. These companies are now moving their document storage to the cloud. When shopping for office furniture, it is essential to give careful consideration to the many storage options you have at your disposal. These days, less is more, and the ideal choice would be to get storage space that can be concealed beneath your desk and otherwise kept out of sight.

(5) Cafeteria Furniture

Although, as a company owner, you're not required to provide a place for your employees to eat, failing to do so will force them to leave the workplace at lunch or, even worse, encourage them to skip meal breaks altogether. Thus, providing a place to eat is critical to developing interoffice connections and establishing a more laid-back environment. You don't need anything significant here since the purpose of these pieces is not to provide comfort; but rather serve a functional purpose.

(6) Reception Seating

Since the reception area is the first thing individuals see when they walk into your office, the furniture in that particular area significantly contributes to your company's success. Never underestimate the significance of designing a welcome area that effectively conveys your company's message and identity to attract and retain top talent. All you need is a sturdy reception desk, comfortable guest chairs paired with accent tables, and some décor pieces placed here and there.

(7) Executive Desks

Executive desk refers to a whole suite of office furniture designed for private or semi-private spaces. The footprint of these pieces is often more prominent, and they frequently come with bookshelves and cabinets as optional supplementary furniture. The market is flooded with various executive furniture lines, many of which have modular components, allowing you to create a unique look. To begin, choose from classic to contemporary to accommodate the design of your space.

(8) Smartboards

Have you attempted to write on a dry-erase board before? If so, you know how dirty they can get and how difficult it can be to read them from a distance. What if you could buy a dry-erase board, but it was more like a huge iPad in terms of its functionality? That's what a smartboard looks like. Their functionality is identical to that of a whiteboard—thanks to the innovative touch-screen technology.However, these devices don't need erasers or markers as opposed to whiteboards.

Home Away from Home

A lot of effort goes into creating a great workplace environment for you and the employees. Always remember that the atmosphere and functionality of your workplace will be significantly influenced by the design of your office and the quality of the office furniture you choose. Thus, investing in the most up-to-date and cutting-edge technology might be the first step in turning your newly constructed workplace into a cozy haven that feels more like home. But what about assembling?

Office Furniture Assemblers at Your Service

We're Office Furniture Assemblers, an on-site assembly company that offers experienced and fully-insured furniture assemblers across the USA. We're one of the industry's most well-regarded assemblers and installers, catering to customers' specific requirements for over a decade with absolutely no hidden charges. Interested in learning more about our office furniture assembly services? Visit or give us a call @ 443-839-0048

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